Project title: development of the GDi Ensemble FutureGIS geospatial simulation modeling environment and service package
Presentation of project content:
The goal of the project was to supplement the technology provided by the traditional GIS environment with new capabilities that provide a completely new approach to the industry, introducing the advantages of process simulation models.
The subject of the project is the connection of two innovative information technology fields, geospatial informatics and predictive process simulation, in a single integrated system, exploiting the synergy effect resulting from the interaction of different strengths and opportunities.
By combining GIS and process simulation, our goal was to create a GIS-simulation model environment in which space and time parameters are both explanatory components of the investigated processes. Based on the static state characteristics stored in the geospatial databases of the process model, take the already known state at a given point in time, and with the sequence of events that occur on the timeline starting from this point, we can produce and analyze the desired future state of the system in an exact way. In other words, let’s look into the future of the system, which we can still influence with interventions made in the present.
The method offers a great number of practical application possibilities and provides accurate and measurable answers to many questions in advance, which we could not get to with traditional analytical analysis, due to the lack of temporal dynamics. There is a market demand for the application at the decision-making and decision-preparatory levels of various geospatial-related organizations, as well as during planning before the specific implementation, as well as during subsequent analysis, controlling, and fine-tuning activities.
Identification number: 2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2021-00195
Beneficiary: GDi Hungary Limited Liability Company
Grant amount: HUF 145 037 878
Funding Fund: NRDI Fund
Aid intensity: 56,372376%
End date of the project: 31.07.2023.
Name of intervening organisation:
National Research, Development and Innovation Office
Contact details of the intermediary organisation:
H- 1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.