Improvement of the GISearch 2 map-based search engine

Project description:
The information sector is rapidly growing, but only continuously developing organizations can gain new territories, which are able to improve their products and services. The goal of the technological development – with the help of the tender – was to improve the GISearch map-based web search engine and prepare its introduction to the global market.

The already very innovative GISearch basic system has been further developed during our R&D project. Our product development enables us to become thematic data providers by selling enormous, geographically methodized databases which have been collected automatically. As a result of the project, a stable service can be established which can be used by a great number of global clients. Therefore the result of the development during the project not only helps to keep the already acquired market, but opens new possibilities to our company.

ESRI Hungary Ltd. has been granted 65 585 916 HUF non-refundable government subsidy of the 145 746 480 investment within the framework of Új Széchenyi Terv Gazdaságfejlesztési Operatív Program (New Széchenyi Plan for Economic Development Operative Programme) “Support of Accredited cluster member companies’ complex technology innovation”.

Product review can downloaded here.


Project data:

  • Identifier: GOP-1.3.1-11/A-2011-0010
  • Requested funding: 65.585.916 Ft
  • Budget of the project: 145.746.480 Ft


Project location:
  • 7621 Pécs, Irgalmasok útja 5.


The project was supported by the following organizations participating:

National Development Agency (Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség)

Hungarian Economic Development Center (Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Központ Zrt.)